

I joined the Tree of Life programme and started working as a postdoc for the BIOSCAN project at the Wellcome Sanger Institut in Cambridge


I finished my PhD and started working as a postdoc at QMUL


I participated in a science outreach project funded by Research England to make our research more accessible to policymakers and the public


I worked as a tutor for the Brilliant Club


I started working on my PhD project about the effects of insecticides on gene regulation in insect pollinators


I started my PhD with London NERC DTP (QMUL, UCL)


  • I graduated in biology with specialisation in ecology and conservation
  • I participated in TBA course in Tanzania
  • I received Erasmus+ research scholarship at the Seckenberg Museum in Frankfurt
  • 2016  

  • I was awarded the Minister of Science and Higher Education Scholarship for outstanding Polish students
  • I took part in a course of tropical ecology in Borneo
  • 2015  

  • I became chair of the Society of Young Biologists in Kraków (2015-2016)
  • I started working with Szkiełko i Oko who popularise science in primary schools in Poland
  • 2014  

    I started working at the Polish Academy of Sciences as a field and laboratory assistant


    I bacame chair of the Entomology Section of the Society of Young Biologists in Kraków (2013-2016)


    I started my biology studies at the Jagiellonian University

    • R, bash, Python
    • bioinformatics
    • mixed effect models and multivariate statistics
    • data visualisation (R, digital design)
    • git & GitHub, markdown

    • nucleic acid extraction
    • library preparation
    • light and electron microscopy
    • insect tissue dissection
    • experiments on living insects

    • experimental design
    • insect capturing (various methods)
    • insect pinning and identification
    • experiece in tropical and temperate climates

    • demonstrating: programing in R, statistics, and bioinformatics (MSc level)
    • the Brilliant Club tutor
    • support supervision: bioinformatic MSc student, NERC RPEP BSc student intern

    Grants, honours & awards:

    • 2022: IUSSI best student talk award

    • 2022: IUSSI best postgraduate poster award

    • 2020: NERC-funded PhD research scholarship

    • 2017: Tropical Biology Association scholarship to attend a course in Tanzania

    • 2017: ERASMUS research scholarship

    • 2016: Minister of Science and Higher Education Scholarship for Outstanding Polish Students

    • 2013-2017: €4250 for the Society of Young Biologists (Entomology Section) (Jagiellonian University Small Grants; Jan Kochanowski Foundation)

    • 2013-2017: The Jagiellonian University Scholarship for the best 10% of students